
CM/ECF Outage for Maintenance

Please be advised the court’s filing system (CM/ECF) will be offline for required maintenance on Friday, February 28th at 6:00 PM MT and will be unavailable until Monday, March 3rd at 6:00 AM MT.   Please contact 303-335-2824 to leave a voicemail if you have an emergency at this time.

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Court Docket (PACER)

Sign in to PACER

The 10th Circuit Court of Appeals has upgraded its CM/ECF system to the Next Generation of CM/ECF ("NextGen"). In order to file with this court, you must have an upgraded individual PACER account- shared PACER accounts are no longer permitted. Please note that NextGen accounts are distinct from your firm’s PACER account; they are individual accounts an attorney will use to practice with the federal courts for the duration of his/her career. 

If you have previously e-filed under with the court via the Appellate Legacy system which was used by the court in the past, you will be required to have an upgraded individual PACER account and you will have to link that account to your ECF filer account. Instructions on how to link the accounts - or what to do if you don’t remember your Legacy e-filing credentials - are provided below.

If you have an upgraded account that you use to file with any of the NextGen courts listed at, you simply need to add 10th Circuit e-filing privileges to your existing account.  

If you have never e-filed in our court or any other federal court, you will be required to register for electronic filing through the Pacer Service Center. 

The PACER NextGen FAQ may be found here: