Access CM/ECF
CM/ECF Filing is not available from mobile tablets or mobile phones
Online Case Management and Filing (ECF) and Reporting Tools (PACER)
The United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit provides two tools to enable online access to important court services and functions. The PACER system enables users to obtain, view, and print case records from federal Appellate, District, and Bankruptcy courts via the Internet. The ECF (aka CM/ECF) system is a comprehensive case management system that enables users to file electronically in cases pending before the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit. As of May 15, 2017, the court upgraded its operating system to NextGen ECF. NextGen is accessible via the PACER system.
ECF became mandatory for all attorney filers on June 1, 2009. Please see the court's ECF User's Manual for information on registering for ECF and using ECF to file pleadings with the court. In addition, please see the link on the right side of this page to access the ECF system, including registration information, training tools and FAQs.
You may now submit petitions for writ of mandamus, petitions for review and Fed. R. App. P 5 petitions electronically using the utilities menu in CM/ECF. Please see the sections in the court's CM/ECF Users Manual for additional information regarding these options.
Support for PACER and ECF
The PACER Service Center can assist with technical support. Questions ranging from general information to involved technical setup will be answered. Contact the PACER Service Center toll-free at 800-676-6856. You may also email questions to For case-related procedural questions, please call the Clerk's office at 303-844-3157.