
CM/ECF Outage for Maintenance

Please be advised the court’s filing system (CM/ECF) will be offline for required maintenance on Friday, February 14th at 6:00 PM MT and will be unavailable until Monday, February 17th at 6:00 AM MT.   Please contact 303-335-2824 to leave a voicemail if you have an emergency at this time.

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The United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth for the Tenth Circuit provides two tools to enable online access to important court services and functions. The PACER system enables users to obtain, view, and print case records from federal Appellate, District, and Bankruptcy courts via the Internet. The ECF (aka CM/ECF) system is a comprehensive case management system that enables users to file electronically in cases pending before the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit.

As of May 15, 2017, the court upgraded its operating system to NextGen ECF. NextGen ECF is accessible via the PACER system. Please note registering for NextGen ECF is different than registering to view PACER generally.  Having a general PACER account will allow you to view and print case records.  Conversely, having a NextGen ECF account will allow you to file electronically.  Therefore, if you would like to file electronically and view case records you will need both a general PACER account and a NextGen ECF account.